Are people with adhd smarter

People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can have trouble focusing on anything. They also have short-term memory loss.
Are people with ADHD smarter? To some people, this may make them seem less smart than average.
On the other hand, they can also seem more powerful than others because of their greater observation and the ability to hyperfocus on topics of interest.
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Connection Between ADHD and IQ

ADHD is a neurological disorder that impairs concentration and contributes to impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Additionally, 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults are affected by it. If you have ADHD, you may have any level of intelligence.

This is the average percentage of ADHD smart people including children and adults.
In addition, your IQ could range from intellectual disability to typical or higher. Brain scans show that the brain changes related to ADHD differ from those associated with intelligence and that these changes occur independently of one another.

A 2016 study using MRI scans found five brain clusters with reduced grey matter volume in ADHD participants in contrast to control participants lacking the condition. The results took into account age, use of medications, sex, and IQ variances.

For the better treatment of ADHD, you may rely on us, and don’t hesitate to contact us!

Why Does Everyone Think They Have ADHD?

There’s a common misconception that a person with ADHD automatically has a low IQ. Other people may believe that ADHD is always associated with high IQ. But neither of these assumptions is true.
Depending on the severity of symptoms, ADHD can affect a person’s ability to function at school and work. Everyday tasks can also be difficult.

This can give the impression that a person has a lower IQ when it’s not the case.
According to an older 2010 study, adults who had both high IQs and ADHD were found to have overall lower executive functioning compared to other participants who had high IQs but not ADHD.
Lower executive functioning means less control over things like paying attention and self-regulation.

What Is a Sign of a Person Paying Attention

There are the following signs of the person facing the issue of ADHD.

These signs are given as:

  • Leaning in
  • Nodding
  • Taking a drink at the same time
  • Touching the face

Are People with ADHD Smarter– Let’s Find the Facts

Are people with ADHD smarter

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that manifests itself as:

  • Inattention
  • Hyperactivity
  • Impulsiveness

Many individuals with ADHD will display symptoms that allow them to hyperfocus on something they are interested in. This can be interpreted as someone doing well on a project or excelling at a positive subject.
And while that’s great, it doesn’t necessarily mean that person has a high IQ.

Differentiation of IQ and ADHD

The common question that arises in every person’s mind is about the intelligence. Most of the time people ask the question; does ADHD make you dumb? As ADHD has no concern with the intelligence.
It’s just a disease like any other illness and there is no evidence that it has any sort of impact on IQ.

The myth continues that individuals with ADHD are smarter than average. Some parents may take relief in this idea when their children are identified with ADHD.
Nevertheless, it’s important to recall that ADHD and IQ exist autonomously from one another and are not connected.

Imagine that ADHD behaviors are nothing more than signs of intelligence that may provide support and treatment for the affected individual.
It’s also vital to remember that the cognitive challenges of ADHD are not a sign of low intelligence. A 2012 study source demonstrated that cognitive impairments from ADHD were not connected to low IQ.
Even high intelligence people with ADHD can observe obstructions in areas like academics and executive function.

What is the average IQ of someone with ADHD?

For example, among the 18 studies examined they did not explicitly state an IQ cut-off point.
The average IQ among individuals with ADHD reported in the studies ranged from 102 to 110.
Moreover, a link between lower IQ and ADHD.
It is possible that people with ADHD are being misrepresented.

High IQ and misguidance about ADHD

Does ADHD make you stupid? For some people, it is just a myth that ADHD makes people stupid. But for some, it makes people think out of the box.

Some modern research suggests that ADHD affects people in the same way regardless of their IQ level.
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can make it difficult for people to concentrate and control their impulsive behaviors.
ADHD can impair someone’s ability to function at work or school. This can make it difficult for them to complete basic tasks, leading others to believe that people with ADHD have lower IQs.

Improper diagnosis of ADHD with high IQ

When high IQ and ADHD collide, it is common to misdiagnose. Very bright, highly active children are sometimes misdiagnosed with ADHD.
On the other hand, some highly intelligent children with ADHD can concentrate on things that interest them for long periods, which can lead to misdiagnosis.
As a result, these children frequently fail to receive the necessary treatment.
If you are looking for the best IQ test for ADHD, select the option that fits exactly according to your needs.


Are people with ADHD smarter? As with other disorders, ADHD can’t correctly predict IQ. Additionally, “being smart” doesn’t always be contingent on a high IQ. The associations between ADHD and IQ are based on labels and delusions.
On the other hand, one who accepts that someone with ADHD is not smart will supervise that individual’s potential.
It’s vital to treat ADHD and intellect as separate objects. While one can affect the other, they are certainly not the same.


Can people with ADHD have a high IQ?

ADHD can make it difficult to complete tasks like schoolwork, homework, and work projects. However, there is no clear relationship between ADHD and IQ.

Did any geniuses have ADHD?

Their companies can be thought of as creative talented individuals. Albert Einstein, a scientist, and Nobel Prize winner is thought to have had ADHD because he was “as disorganized and impulsive as he was insightful and intelligent.”

Do people with ADHD think faster?

These executive dysfunctions have a wide-ranging impact on people with ADHD’s thinking.

Are ADHD people happier?

It all depends as ADHD has some mood swings and sometimes, they feel relaxed.

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