A Quick and Effective Pain Relief
Treatment for Joint Pain

Target the Source of Your Joint Pain with Our Precise and Reliable Injection Techniques

What is a Joint Injection?

A joint injection involves injecting medication directly into the affected joint to alleviate pain and inflammation. The medication used in joint injections can vary depending on the cause and severity of the joint pain.

At Primary Care of Kansas, our team of experienced healthcare professionals performs joint injections with the utmost care and precision. We use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure our patients experience minimal discomfort and achieve maximum pain relief.

Types of Joint Injections We Offer

Joint injections can be an effective treatment option for various types of joint pain. At Primary Care of Kansas, we offer several joint injections to help alleviate pain and inflammation in different body joints.

Types of Joint Injections

Cortisone Shots for Joint Pain Relief

Cortisone or corticosteroid injections are the most common joint injections to relieve joint pain. They contain a corticosteroid medication that helps reduce inflammation and pain in the affected joint. Cortisone shots are often used for knee pain caused by arthritis, injury, or inflammation but can also be used in other joints of the body, including the shoulder, hip, elbow, and ankle.

While rare, a cortisone shot can hit a nerve and cause pain or numbness in the affected area. However, our team of healthcare professionals takes every precaution to ensure that the injection is administered safely and precisely.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Hyaluronic acid injections, also known as viscosupplementation, are a type of joint injection used to treat knee osteoarthritis. This injection contains a gel-like substance miming the natural lubricant found in the knee joint, relieving pain and improving joint mobility. Hyaluronic acid injections can be a great option for patients without relief from other treatments or who cannot undergo knee replacement surgery.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

Platelet-rich plasma injections, or PRP injections, are joint injections that use the patient's blood to promote healing and reduce inflammation in the affected joint. This treatment is often used for knee pain caused by osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and other conditions. PRP injections can also be used in other body joints, including the shoulder, hip, elbow, and ankle.

Other Types of Joint Injections

In addition to the above joint injections, other types can treat joint pain, including nerve block injections, trigger point injections, and prolotherapy injections. Our healthcare professionals can determine which type of injection is best for your specific condition and needs.

Where Can Joint Injections Be Applied?

Joint injections can be applied to various joints in the body, including:

  • Knees
  • Shoulders
  • Hips
  • Elbows
  • Ankles
  • Facet Joints
What to Expect with Joint Injections

Joint injections are typically performed as an outpatient procedure and take only a few minutes to complete. The healthcare professional injects the medication into the affected joint using a small needle during the procedure.

After the injection, patients may experience soreness or mild swelling around the injection site. This discomfort is usually temporary and can be managed with ice and over-the-counter pain relievers. Patients can resume normal activities shortly after the procedure. They may need to avoid strenuous exercise or activities that stress the affected joint.

Are Pain Shots Right for You?

Joint injections may be right if you are experiencing extreme joint pain and looking for a quick and effective solution. They are not a permanent solution to joint pain but can provide long-lasting relief for several months. This treatment can also effectively manage chronic conditions like arthritis, which may not have a cure.

When Are Joint Injections an Option?

Joint injections can be an option for people experiencing joint pain that has not responded to other treatments, such as physical therapy or oral medications. They can also be a first-line treatment for acute joint injuries or arthritis.

The decision to use joint injections as a treatment option depends on several factors, including the type and severity of the condition, the person’s overall health, and any underlying medical conditions. We will carefully evaluate each patient's case to determine whether joint injections are viable.

In general, joint injections may be considered for people who:

  • Have persistent joint pain that is affecting their quality of life.
  • Have not experienced relief from other treatments.
  • Are unable to tolerate oral medications due to side effects or other concerns.
  • Are looking for a minimally invasive treatment option that does not require surgery.

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