Specialty Referrals: Connecting

You with the Right Specialist

Streamlining the Primary Care to Specialist Referral Process for Better Health Outcomes

As your trusted primary care provider, we at Primary Care of Kansas understand that specialized medical attention is sometimes necessary for certain conditions. That’s why we offer specialty referral services, connecting you with the best specialists in the area. Our priority is to ensure that our patients receive the care they need and deserve so we provide a smooth and efficient referral process.

United Healthcare Referrals: Your Access to Top-Quality Healthcare

We are an approved provider for United Healthcare, meaning we can provide referrals to a wide range of specialists covered under your plan. With our United Healthcare referrals, you can rest assured that you will have access to top-quality healthcare services.

We have a network of trusted healthcare professionals who specialize in different areas of medicine, from dermatology to cardiology, neurology, and beyond. Our specialists are carefully selected based on their qualifications, experience, and expertise in their respective fields.

Specialty Referrals

The Primary Care to Specialist Referral Process

Your primary care provider (PCP) is your first point of contact for most healthcare needs. They will assess your health condition and determine if a referral to a specialist is necessary.

When you visit us, our primary care physician will assess your medical condition and determine if you need specialized medical attention. If so, we will refer you to one of our trusted specialists.

How Do Referrals Work

When you receive a referral from us, we have determined that you need specialized medical attention beyond what we can provide. Once your PCP recommends a specialist, we will work with you to schedule an appointment with the specialist. Our team will take care of all the necessary paperwork and communication between your PCP and the specialist to ensure that your referral process is smooth and hassle-free. It is important to note that insurance plans, including United Healthcare, typically require referrals. With a referral, your insurance plan may cover the cost of your specialist visit.

Our Commitment to You

We understand that navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming, especially when finding the right specialist for your needs. We are committed to providing patients personalized care for their health needs and goals.

When you come to us for a Specialty Referral, we take the time to understand your unique health situation, answer any questions, and guide you through the referral process.

We also understand the importance of timely access to healthcare. That is why we prioritize timely appointments for our patients, working with our network of specialists to ensure that you receive the care you need as soon as possible.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your health and well-being.


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