Relief from Muscle Knots and Pressure

Points with Trigger Point Injections

Say Goodbye to Painful Pressure Points and Knots in Your Muscles

Do you suffer from painful pressure points or knots in your muscles? You’re not alone. These troublesome areas are known as trigger points, and various factors, including stress, injury, or overuse of certain muscles, can cause them.

At Primary Care of Kansas, we offer trigger point injections as a highly effective treatment for these muscle knots. This simple, minimally invasive procedure involves injecting a small amount of medication directly into the trigger point, which helps to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Our skilled healthcare providers have extensive experience diagnosing and treating trigger points, including those in hard-to-reach areas such as the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.

Don’t suffer in silence if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort caused by muscle knots. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how trigger point injections can help you get back to feeling your best.

What are Trigger Points?

Trigger points are small, tight knots that develop in muscles and can cause pain or discomfort. Various factors, including stress, injury, or overuse of certain muscles, can cause these knots. Common areas where trigger points occur include the back, neck, shoulders, and hips.

What Causes Muscle Knots?

Various factors, including stress, injury, or overuse of certain muscles, can cause muscle knots. Poor posture, repetitive motions, or a lack of exercise can also cause them. Muscle knots may sometimes develop due to underlying medical conditions such as fibromyalgia.

Muscle Knots
Point Injection

What is a Trigger Point Injection?

A trigger point injection is a simple, minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting a small amount of medication directly into the trigger point. This medication helps to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, allowing the muscle to relax and the knot to dissolve.

We have extensive experience diagnosing and treating trigger points using injections. We use only the safest and most effective medications and take great care to ensure that the injection is performed accurately and safely.

What to Expect During a Treatment

Before the injection, our healthcare provider will perform a thorough physical examination to identify the exact location of the muscle knot. You will be asked to lie comfortably, and your healthcare provider will clean the area with an antiseptic solution. A small needle will inject a small amount of medication directly into the trigger point.

Most patients experience minimal pain during the procedure, and any discomfort is typically mild and short-lived. After the injection, you may experience some soreness or mild discomfort in the area for a few days, but this should resolve quickly.

Benefits of Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections can provide immediate relief from muscle knots and pressure points.

They are a safe and effective treatment option for those who are experiencing discomfort or pain due to muscle knots.

They can also help to improve mobility and flexibility in the affected area.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Don't wait for treatment if you suffer from painful pressure points or muscle knots. At Primary Care of Kansas, we offer trigger point injections as a safe, effective treatment option for these troublesome areas.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help you find relief from your symptoms.

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