Comprehensive Newborn and Infant

Care Services for Your Little One

Ensuring Your Baby's Health

Welcoming a new life into the world can be both exciting and overwhelming. At Primary Care of Kansas, we understand the importance of newborn and infant care and are committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to your little one. Our team of skilled healthcare professionals is dedicated to ensuring that your newborn receives the essential care they need during the first few weeks and months of their life.

Newborn Essentials: What You Need to Know

We understand you may have many questions about your baby’s needs and care. We will help you navigate the essential care requirements for your newborn baby.

Newborn Care: Our Approach

We follow a personalized approach to newborn care. We recognize that every baby is unique and has different needs - so we work closely with you to develop a customized newborn nursing care plan that meets your little one's needs. Our services include:

Newborn screenings: These are important to your baby's care. We will conduct tests to check your baby's overall health and identify potential health issues early on. These tests include hearing, vision, and metabolic screenings, essential for early detection and treatment of underlying conditions.

Immunizations: Vaccinations are a vital part of your baby's healthcare. We follow the recommended immunization schedule to protect your little one against serious illnesses like measles, mumps, and rubella.

Newborn and Infant Care
Feeding and nutrition

Feeding and nutrition guidance: We understand that feeding your baby can be a challenging experience, especially for first-time parents. We can offer guidance on breastfeeding, formula feeding, and introducing solids. We will work with you to develop a feeding plan that meets your baby's nutritional needs and supports their growth and development.

Developmental assessments: Monitoring your baby's development is crucial during the first few months of their life. Our team of healthcare professionals conducts regular developmental assessments to ensure your baby meets their developmental milestones. We will provide the guidance and support you need to promote your baby's healthy growth and development.

Management of common newborn issues: Newborns can experience various common health issues, such as jaundice, colic, and diaper rash. We have the expertise to manage these issues and provide your baby with the care they need to feel comfortable and healthy. You can trust us to provide compassionate care to your little one and give you peace of mind.

Infant Specialist: Our Team

As a parent, we understand that you want the best for your newborn. That’s why our team at Primary Care of Kansas includes a group of compassionate and experienced healthcare professionals dedicated to providing the highest quality care to your little one. Our pediatricians, nurses, and other specialists work together to create a personalized approach to your newborn’s care, ensuring that your baby receives the essential care they need during the critical first few weeks and months of its life.

Our infant specialists are not just experts in their field but have the heart and compassion to make your little one feel safe and comfortable.

Trust Us With Your Newborn and Infant Care


At Primary Care of Kansas, we know that caring for a newborn can be overwhelming. We are committed to providing you with the support and guidance you need. Trust us to provide your little one with the essential care they need to thrive during their first few weeks and months.

Let us help you make this journey a little easier.

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