Can you get pregnant on Nexplanon

Can you get pregnant on Nexplanon? It is the most common question that women ever have. There are a lot of concerns about the Nexplanon implant when it comes to pregnancy, even though it is a very good method of birth control.

Are you looking for a family planning service? At Primary Care of Kansas we help women make reproductive health decisions with comprehensive family planning services. We offer IUDs, sterilization, and birth control consultations. For more information contact us.

Let’s look into the details to understand more about Nexplanon and its impact on pregnancy.

What is Nexplanon?

The contraceptive implant Nexplanon prevents pregnancy. The doctor inserts a small, rod-like device under the skin of the upper arm skin.

This implant’s release of the progestin hormone prevents pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation, thickening cervical mucus to stop sperm movement, and altering the uterine lining. It can work for three years before changing.

How does the Nexplanon implant function to prevent pregnancy?

Nexplanon is an implant that stops your body from releasing an egg every month by slowly releasing a hormone called progestogen into your bloodstream.

Additionally, it thickens the cervical mucus, making it very hard for sperm to move.

The lining of the womb gets thinner at the same time, which makes it harder for a fertilized egg to attach.

Combining these two actions has an impressive success rate of over 99% in preventing pregnancy.

What does the implant make your periods worse?

The implant can affect periods in different ways for different people. For some, it might lead to lighter periods or no periods at all.

Others might experience irregular bleeding or spotting between periods. Overall, the implant’s impact on periods varies from person to person.

Can you get pregnant on Nexplanon?

Getting pregnant while using the birth control implant is very unlikely to happen. But there are some reasons:

Insertion Timing:

If the implant isn’t inserted correctly or within the recommended time frame, the efficacy might be compromised.

Medication Interactions:

Certain medications can interact with Nexplanon, affecting its effectiveness. Always consult a healthcare professional when starting new medications.

Device Misplacement:

In rare cases, the implant might migrate from its original position, impacting its ability to prevent pregnancy. It may be a positive pregnancy test with Nexplanon.
When to remove implant

A healthcare professional is necessary to remove your birth control implant. While approved for three years, evidence suggests it might work effectively for up to five years. Removal can occur at any time based on your preference; discuss the timing with your provider.

The removal involves:

  • Numbing your skin with a local anesthetic.
  • The provider makes a small incision to extract the implant using forceps or tweezers.
  • No stitches are required, but a bandage is placed afterward.
  • The procedure is brief and typically painless due to the numbing.

Only trained professionals should handle implant insertion or removal. After removal, consider using alternative birth control to prevent pregnancy.

Implant birth control side effects

The birth control implant typically doesn’t cause many side effects, and most tend to fade within a few months. Possible side effects may include:

• There is a chance of short-term side effects.
• A professional must insert it.
• Changes in menstrual cycles could result from it.
• It might make acne worse.
• Does not offer protection against infections acquired through sexual activity.
• It needs to be removed by professionals.
• Possible side effects when taking certain medicines.
• There is a small chance that the skin around the implant will get infected.

Inform your provider if you experience prolonged side effects. There might be options to manage these before removing the device. At any time, your healthcare provider may remove the implant, and you may also consider alternative methods of birth control.

Let’s talk about advantages and disadvantages of Nexplanon:

Here are Nexplanon’s pros and cons:

The benefits include:

  • Maintains efficacy for a minimum of five years.
  • There is no need for administration on a daily or weekly basis.
  • Allows sexual activity to remain spontaneous.
  • It is not visible.
  • People are safe to stay away from estrogen-based birth control.
  • Suitable for use during breastfeeding.
  • Potential reduction in heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Swift goes back to being fertile after being removed.

The disadvantages of:

  • There is a chance of short-term side effects.
  • A professional must insert it.
  • Changes in menstrual cycles could result from it.
  • It might make acne worse.
  • Does not offer protection against infections acquired through sexual activity.
  • It needs to be removed by professionals.
  • Possible side effects when taking certain medicines.
  • There is a small chance that the skin around the implant will get infected.

Symptoms of Expired Nexplanon

That is, symptoms of expired Nexplanon, irregular bleeding, menstrual cycle changes, and possibly regular ovulation may occur.

However, there is not a clear set of symptoms that clearly show when it is over. If you suspect your Nexplanon is expired or nearing its end, consult your doctor for an assessment and replacement.


Are you concerned about that? Can you get pregnant on Nexplanon?

Nexplanon is a reliable birth control option that lasts up to five years. While rare, pregnancy on Nexplanon can happen. It’s crucial to ensure proper insertion and monitor medication interactions. A professional should do the removal. Don’t hesitate to chat with your healthcare provider about any worries.

At Primary Care of Kansas, we’ve got your back for family planning. From IUDs to birth control advice, we’re here to help you make the best choices for your reproductive health. Reach out to us for more guidance.


1: Can implants cause infertility?

No, Nexplanon doesn’t cause infertility. Once removed, fertility typically returns quickly for most individuals.

2: What are the chances of being pregnant on Nexplanon?

The chances of getting pregnant on Nexplanon are extremely low, around less than 1% for typical users.

3: How long does spotting last on Nexplanon?

Spotting or irregular bleeding might occur during the first few months of use. It often improves over time, but duration varies among individuals.

4: Can you get pregnant on Nexplanon?

While Nexplanon is highly effective, no birth control method is 100% foolproof. Pregnancy on Nexplanon is very rare, but it’s not impossible.

5: How do you know if your Nexplanon is broken?

If you suspect a problem with your Nexplanon, such as breakage, migration, or if it’s missing, consult your healthcare provider immediately for an evaluation.

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