does uti cause bloating

How does UTI cause bloating?

Many people around the world deal with Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), which can be uncomfortable and cause symptoms like pain during urination, bloated kidney infection, and frequent urges to pee.
If you are facing bloating with a UTI, you can get help from Primary Care of Kansas. We know good health goes beyond treating illnesses and managing symptoms.

From preventive care to disease management and health education, we create a customized healthcare plan for you. If you want to get more information contact us.
Some people also experience bloating alongside these issues. Feeling bloated is not fun, and different things could cause it.

So, the question is, “Does UTI cause bloating?” So, let’s talk in detail about UTIs and bloating and do urinary tract infections cause bloating.

What Is a UTI and Bloating?

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

does uti cause bloating

A UTI is a bacterial infection called E-coli, that can happen in different parts of the plumbing system that carry pee in our body.

It often starts in the tube where pee comes out (urethra) and can spread to the bladder, tubes connecting the bladder and kidneys, and even the if not treated.


Bloating is when your stomach feels full and swollen, usually because of gas or overeating. It makes your belly look and feel larger than usual.

Here are some Bloating and UTI Symptoms:

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) Symptoms

  • Pain or burning sensation during urination
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Cloudy or strong-smelling urine
  • Lower abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Fever or blood in the urine
  • Fatigue or weakness

Bloating Symptoms

  • Abdominal discomfort or fullness
  • The feeling of tightness in the abdomen
  • Swelling or distension of the belly
  • Gas and flatulence

Does UTI Cause Bloating?

Can a UTI cause bloating and constipation? Yes, it can be!

When you have a UTI, your body fights the infection, causing inflammation that can lead to bloating in your belly.
Medications like antibiotics used to treat UTIs can also contribute to bloating and constipation.

On the other hand, if you’re bloated, it could be a sign of a UTI, especially if it has reached your kidneys, and you might feel other symptoms like back pain, fever, and nausea.
So, urinary infections cause bloating, and one can cause or indicate the other.

Why Does a UTI Cause Bloating?

While bloating is not a common UTI symptom, several factors may contribute:

  • Inflammation and Irritation:UTIs can cause swelling and irritation in the bladder and nearby areas, resulting in a bloated feeling.
  • Fluid Retention:The body may retain extra fluids during infection, contributing to bloating.
  • Digestive Changes:UTIs can impact the stomach, leading to bloating concurrently.
  • Similar Symptoms:Bloating may arise from factors unrelated to the UTI but occurring together.

Why Does UTI Make You Feel Bloated?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) can make you feel bloated because it causes inflammation in the bladder, creating a sense of fullness or pressure.
This feeling is not from extra gas but from the infection’s swelling and pressure in the pelvic area.

Sometimes, people with a UTI may also experience bloating not directly linked to the infection, and this could be related to problems in the gut.
If your gut health is not great, you might be more likely to get a UTI.

Let’s discuss some other UTI and bloating-related queries, so please continue reading about them,

Can Alcohol Cause UTIs?

Drinking too much alcohol can make it easier for bacteria to cause a urinary tract infection (UTI).
Alcohol weakens the immune system, dehydrates the body, and can lead to risky behaviors that increase the chances of getting a UTI.
Regular alcohol use may also harm the overall health of the urinary system, making it more prone to infections. To prevent UTIs, it’s important to drink alcohol in moderation and stay hydrated.

Does a Kidney Infection Cause Bloating?

A kidney infection might not directly cause bloating, but it can make the belly feel swollen and uncomfortable.
The infection can lead to swelling around the kidneys, and sometimes, the body retains extra fluid, making you feel bloated.
If you’re consistently bloated along with other issues, it’s important to contact a doctor for proper treatment.

Can Bladder Infection Cause Stomach Bloating?

Yes, a bladder infection can make your stomach feel bloated.
The infection irritates the bladder and can make the lower abdomen feel uncomfortable and swollen.
If you have bloating along with symptoms of a bladder infection, it’s best to consult a Healthcare Professional for the right treatment.

Consulting a Healthcare Professional

Can I go to urgent care for a UTI?” is one of the questions most commonly asked.
So, you can go to urgent care for a UTI. If you suspect a UTI or are experiencing persistent bloating, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional.

They can do tests to figure out if it’s a UTI or something else.
Self-diagnosis and treatment are not recommended, as untreated UTIs can lead to more severe complications.

How Much Does UTIs Cost?

The cost of a urinary tract infection (UTI) can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the infection.
Whether it requires hospitalization, the type of healthcare provider you visit, and your insurance coverage.

Here’s a breakdown of potential costs:

  • Where you decide to have a UTI checkup, be it at a doctor’s office or urgent care, it can result in costs ranging from $50 and $200 or more.
  • Medicine to treat a UTI may cost between $10 and $100 or more, depending on the type of drug and whether you have insurance.
  • If your doctor orders tests, like a urine culture, it might cost between $50 and $200 more.
  • Even if you have insurance, you may need to cover some expenses like copays, coinsurance, or deductibles.
  • If a UTI becomes severe and you need to stay in the hospital, the cost can be several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. Having insurance is crucial in such cases.

To Conclude

To sum up “Does UTI Cause Bloating?” Although bloating isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about UTIs, it can tag along with the usual symptoms.
Understanding the reasons behind this connection, like inflammation, fluid retention, and antibiotic effects, can help you tackle both the UTI and the bloating.
If things don’t improve or you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to get advice from a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and guidance on managing your symptoms.

At Primary Care of Kansas, our goal is to keep you and your family healthy. Our team of doctors and health experts is here to give you the best care and personalized plans to help you stay well.

For more information contact us.


Q: Can a bladder infection cause gas and bloating?

A bladder infection itself may not cause gas and bloating, but if it spreads to your stomach, it could make you feel bloated and gassy. Consult a doctor for the right advice.

Q: What not to eat with UTI?

Avoid spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol with a urinary tract infection (UTI), as they can irritate the bladder and worsen symptoms.

Q: Is bloating a sign of UTI?

No, bloating is not a common sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Q: Why does my stomach feel bloated after sex?

Bloating after sex can happen due to increased blood flow and muscle activity, usually normal, but if it continues, it’s good to talk with a doctor.

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