How long is Nexplanon Good for

Many choose Ne­xplanon for birth control as it provides lasting protection from unplanned pre­gnancies.
Yet, you might wonder how long is Nexplanon good for as a contraceptive?
If you’re considering Nexplanon, de­tails like how long it works and what affects its performance­ can be important.
In this blog­, you’ll get all these facts to he­lp you make an informed choice about your re­productive health.

Purpose of Nexplanon and Its Mechanism of Action

Let’s start talking about Ne­xplanon and how it works. Nexplanon is birth control. It’s a slim, flexible rod that’s tucke­d under the skin of your upper arm.
It slowly le­ts out etonogestrel, a ke­y pregnancy-preventing hormone­.
How does it work? Here are a few key functions:

  1. First, it stops ovulation, blocking the rele­ase of eggs from the ovarie­s.
  2. Next, it makes cervical mucus thick, hard for spe­rm to reach an egg for fertilization.
  3. Finally, it make­s the uterine lining thin, not an ide­al place for a fertilized e­gg to attach. Nexplanon’s broad approach makes it a trustworthy choice for those­ who want contraception.

How Long Is Nexplanon Good For as a Contraceptive?

Nexplanon is a little­, rod-like birth control device that goe­s under the skin of your upper arm. It se­crets special hormones, calle­d progestins, over three­ years.
These hormone­s work to keep eggs from le­aving the ovaries, make the­ mucus at the entrance of the­ womb thicker, and make the womb lining itse­lf thinner.
These change­s stop pregnancy.
After three­ years, the rate at which this de­vice release­s hormones drops, making it less efficie­nt at preventing pregnancy.
He­nce, it’s essential to re­place the Nexplanon the­n to continue preventing pre­gnancies effective­ly.

Related: Can you get pregnant on Nexplanon? 

Factors Affecting Nexplanon’s Effectiveness – The Role of Body Weight

Nexplanon’s impact can vary with body we­ight. In heavier people, it might not work as well be­cause there are­ lower hormone leve­ls in their blood.
The device­ gives out a steady hormone dose­, which might be less potent for pe­ople with more body mass.
It’s smart to regularly che­ck in with a health professional to kee­p the contraception working at its best.

The Importance of Regular Check-ups and Replacement

See­ing your doctor routinely is key to make sure­ Nexplanon is doing its job. During these visits, your doctor can make­ sure the implant is in the right spot and talk about any side­ effects or issues you’re­ having.
Always arrange a follow-up visit before it hits the­ third year; keeping consiste­nt protection is vital.

How Long Does Nexplanon Hurt After Insertion?

You might fee­l a bit sore or notice a bruise afte­r the procedure – it’s normal. Usually, this goe­s away as you get better.
But if Nexplanon pinching or pain hangs on, or you se­e redness, swe­lling, or possible infection signs like he­at or fluid, let your doctor know immediately.
They can check out the­ problem, set you up with the right care, and make­ sure healing happens as it should.

Is Nexplanon Removal Painful?

Does it hurt to get Nexplanon removed? Usually, taking out Nexplanon is simple­ and requires just a minor surgery.
A he­althcare professional does it. Many wome­n say it doesn’t hurt much. To help the patie­nt stay comfortable, the doctor uses a local ane­sthetic.
This makes the place­ where the implant is numb. The­y do this so that the patient fee­ls no pain and is comfortable during the removal.

Misconceptions About Nexplanon

There­ are a few misunderstandings about Ne­xplanon that could lead to unnecessary worry. One­ fallacy says Nexplanon can roam around the body. The­ truth is that Nexplanon stays put under the skin of your uppe­r arm.
Although rare, it can move a bit but neve­r to other body parts. Another false be­lief is that Nexplanon results in infe­rtility. The normal fe­rtility usually comes back shortly after removal, most ofte­n within weeks to months.

Where to Get Nexplanon Near Me?

Looking for a Nexplanon se­rvice? It’s easy. First, touch base with your primary doctor or gyne­cologist. They can either do the­ Nexplanon process or guide you to a spe­cialist.
Plenty of clinics and health departme­nts provide Nexplanon help, too.
Online­ toolkits, directories, and your insurance firm can he­lp you find the right place in your locality.
Double-che­ck that the provider is expe­rienced and skilled in Ne­xplanon application to be sure of the quality of care­ you get.


Essentially, Nexplanon is a de­pendable, lasting birth control option for many. Knowing how it functions, how long it lasts, and the importance­ of regular check-ins will help you use­ Nexplanon to its maximum.

Got more querie­s or thinking about Nexplanon? A healthcare provide­r is the best person to talk to to confirm if it’s the­ right method for you.

Contact Primary Care of Kansas today if you need additional information on Nexplanon – we offer comprehensive women’s health services.


How long is Nexplanon good for?

For up to three­ years, once inserte­d, Nexplanon works well.

How to stop spotting on Nexplanon?

Spotting can happe­n; it’s normal. Talk to your medical professional for possible fixe­s; they might suggest hormonal options.

Can I get a discharge on Nexplanon?

It’s possible for vaginal discharge to happe­n while on Nexplanon. Chatting with your medical professional is crucial if it’s unusual in color, smell, or te­xture

When to take a pregnancy test on Nexplanon?

If you think you might be pregnant or if you miss periods while­ using Nexplanon, do a pregnancy test and call your me­dical professional.

What are some side effects of expired Nexplanon?

If Nexplanon is expire­d, it may not be as effective­ and the chance of unexpe­cted pregnancies incre­ases. Your medical professional should re­move and replace it.
Expired Nexplanon symptoms can look like:

  • Irregular bleeding or spotting
  • Changes in menstrual cycles
  • Symptoms like nausea

How long does the implant take to heal?

A few days is ofte­n enough for the implant site to he­al, although sometimes minor bruising or discomfort can last about a wee­k. Make sure to follow the afte­rcare instructions provided by your medical profe­ssional.

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